North Logan Pumpkin Walk
North Logan Pumpkin Walk The North Logan Pumpkin Walk is such a fun tradition in my hometown! Every October, volunteers come together and create Pumpkin Walk scenes along a pathway. The scenes are created from pumpkins, squash, gourds, cornstalks, and other fall vegetation. Each scene tells a story, with painted pumpkin heads topping popular characters…

Grandma’s Home Baked Bread | Documentary Style Portraits
Grandma’s Home Baked Bread | Documentary Style Portraits From the time of her marriage to my grandpa in the autumn of 1959, my grandma Bradford has baked her own bread from scratch to feed her family. Her homemade bread is legendary in our family, and even though my mom, aunts, sisters, and cousins have attempted…

Scenes from my Hometown | Logan Utah Landscape and Street Photography
Scenes from my Hometown | Logan Utah Landscape and Street Photography Cache Valley, Utah is where I was born and raised and while I’m surely biased, I think it has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. The mountains that surround the valley on all sides are breathtaking–both the scenic vistas…